Featured Studio

Clear acknowledges the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work.


For 25 years, we’ve partnered with thought-leaders, change-makers and risk-takers, bringing their brands to life through design narratives that engage minds, inspire compassion and change behaviours. Working across multiple sectors, contexts and continents. Creating new brands. Elevating existing and reinvigorating the tired, or neglected.

Our services include Brand strategy, Brand identity and the creation of design systems, Art direction, Copywriting and naming, Digital; website and motion design, Campaign development and brand rollout, Print; publication, stationery and packaging. Environmental; placemaking and wayfinding.

Have you got a project in mind?
Contact the studio +613 9419 1400

Studio address
6 Hargreaves Street, Fitzroy, VIC, 3065

Clear Studio Matthew McCarthy
Clear Studio Laura Vigilante
Clear Studio Dayna Stiles
Clear Studio Emily Breakell
Clear Studio Tyler Zebra
Clear Studio Trudi Hewitt
Clear Studio Nat Alva
Left to right Matthew McCarthy, Founder and Creative Director Laura Vigilante, Project Director Dayna Stiles, Design Director Emily Breakell, Lead Designer Tyler Zebra, Senior Designer (Motion) Trudi Hewitt, Senior Designer Nathalie Alva, Account Manager

Our process

1 — Explore

Context is everything, but even more so for a brand. We deep dive into your organisation, industry, audiences, markets, and competitors, then distil our learnings to fashion the principles and brand promise on which yours will be built.

2 — Create

We connect your audience to your brand by crafting a comprehensive suite of design elements to express your brand narrative consistently and memorably, independent of media.

3 — Apply

We devise and project manage a scope of works to achieve your communication objectives. Fanatical quality assurance ensures the impact of the story we craft, is delivered faultlessly across each application.

Who we work with

Clear has collaborated with some of Australia’s most influential brands including Assemble Communities, Anna Thomas, Australian Institute of Music (AIM), Australian Institute of Architects, Australian Tapestry Workshop, ABC; Radio National, Rural and Double J, Creative Victoria, Dennis Family Corporation, Elton Group, Fiona Lynch, FK (Fender Katsaladis Architects), IMAX, Melbourne University Press, Mirvac, Molonglo, MPAC; Monash Performing Arts Centres, MTIA; Victoria’s Big Build, Museums Victoria, Multiplex, National Trust Victoria, NCM; National Communications Museum, Neue Space, Poly Australia, Rising; Melbourne Festival, Riverlee, SensiLab, Sloan Architects, TAUT, VMCH, Wallum Partners, Wolfdene, Yirramboi; City of Melbourne.

Who we support

Clear has a long history of supporting not for profit organisation. From our strategic vision and brand work on PolishedMan, Branding for Cafe-smart to our ongoing support of the Positive Living Centre, we believe design is a powerful force for social good.

In 2017 Clear initiated DesignToUnite, a show of solidarity and support for self-determination with our First Peoples. The project attracted 170 design creatives who contributed over 350 poster submissions, each using the word ‘Unite’. Nine submissions were selected for the two-week campaign that coincided with Reconciliation Week and the ‘Message from the Heart.’