Volume 06
Welcome back to the Isolation Diaries, our weekly round-up of the things that bring us joy and keep us motivated in lockdown. This week, we’re working hard, sourcing inspiration, and attending viral film festivals. What have you been up to?

Looking to get your inspo fix, or keep an eye on what’s going on out there in the creative world? It’s Nice That is our go-to digital journal of all things new in design, animation, illustration, photography… From the clever, to the beautiful and odd. But if you’re after some hardcover inspiration, this design publication brings together over 6,000 modernist trademarks and is quite the visual feast. The latest fiction recommendation from Team Clear? We’re going back to classics: Love in the time of Cholera.

Running out of film ideas? Let Viral Film Festival be your guide. Each Thursday, they’ll choose you a new film to watch, with a live chat and analysis to follow after the feature. Big Nick Cave fan? Well, good news then. Bad Seed Teevee is now live and streaming all-day video, concerts, interviews, film and more from Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds! But if you need something you can enjoy with the family, Onward is the newest feature from Disney Pixar and boy, is it adorable. You can see it on Disney Plus.

It’s been cold, everyone’s telling us, so it seems we’re mostly making comfort food this week. Keep toasty and warm with Jamie’s self-declared ‘best roast potatoes’ (full disclosure, these are a bit of effort to make, but entirely worth it for the deliciousness). Or work on your lasagne game. This recipe is simple and it’s easy to sub ingredients if required. And yes, we know: you’ll need an Italian beverage to go with that meal. While the lasagne is in the oven, we will always recommend enjoying a Negroni, classic.

Sometimes you want an emotive soundtrack to lead you through the day, and for those times this King Creosote and Jon Hopkins album delivers. It’s extra special on vinyl too. More in the mood for stories? This American Life has plenty of them, all engaging and interesting. Added bonus, the production value of the podcast is incomparable. But throughout this time, what’s really been bringing a smile to our faces is Rufus Wainwright’s daily ‘Quarantunes’—or ‘Robe Recitals’—that he performs at home.