Welcome to the return of the Isolation Diaries, Volume 45. While we're in our fifth lockdown, our minds are still roaming free, so we're sharing the thoughts that are keeping us sane and joyful in our track pants.

We’ve cracked open the covers of a classic novel with a relatable title—One Hundred Years of Solitude. We’re certain this lockdown won’t be that long, but from our couches, the magical realism is a wondrous escape.
And while we’re not having a collective existential crisis, Silicon Valley might be, as they try to find God through artificial intelligence.
‘Is there a god?’ is a mind boggling question, so we’re back to basics with the godfather of design, Paul Rand. His Thoughts on Design is now back in print for the first time since the ’70s.

If you’re wishing you could time travel, be careful what you wish for and check out Chris Pratt’s latest film—Tomorrow War.
For a re-framed narrative and self-aware superhero humour, watch Black Widow—the film that Marvel owed Natasha Romanoff.
And if the action packed options above are too much, cast your eye on Utopia—the fly on the wall documentary about how governments work

We’ve been busy in our kitchens this week. With an abundance of citrus fruits and time, we’ve been boiling orange peels down into yummy marmalade.
Green leafy kale is also in season, so we’ve added it to a warming Spaghetti Aglio e Olio.
For an easy lunch option, try scrambling eggs with some chilli for an extra kick to beat the chilly Melbourne weather.

Ever grateful for the privilege of freedom, we’re remembering a time of salsa dancing and Cuba Libres as we listen to Cuban beats.
Indie rock band Local Natives are keeping our ears occupied and our minds focused.
As we cozy into our Armchairs at home, we’re tuning into the Armchair Expert as Dax Shepard chats with the likes of Quentin Tarantino, Russel Brand and his mom.
And back to design, of course, we’re Learning Out Loud with Dieter Rams on Braun.

We’re virtually revisiting classic games on our Sega Mega’s. Columns is a current time passer.
When all is rescheduled, we’re looking forward to hitting the art scene with tantalising local talent at the Va-Va-Variety Benefit.